Conglomerate (BE.21.0002)

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Rock determination
Sedimentary rock > Siliciclastic > Conglomerate
Phanerozoic; Paleozoic; Devonian
Burnot Formation / Marteau Formation
Rock name
Red Devonian conglomerate
Rock synonyms
Poudingue de Burnot
Additional information
Epoch: Middle and Lower Devonian; Age: Emsian and Eifelian

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Site type
Consumption site
Belgium; Oost-Vlaanderen; Evergem
Site name
Evergem - Belzeelse Kerkweg / Ralingen
Excavation or Survey Team
E. Taelman & B. Polfliet (Ename Expertisecentrum voor Erfgoedontsluiting v.z.w.)
Additional contextual information
feature 20 (posthole)


Belgium; Luik / Namen / Henegouwen
Meuse valley / Sambre valley / Vesdre valley
Supposed site(s) of provenance
le Bois des Acremonts et le Bois de Nismes (Lustin), Wépion (Picavet 2019)
Additional information
This rock has outcrops along the northern border of the Dinant Synclinorium in the Sambre and Meuse valleys and their tributaries (Burnot and Marteau Formation) and within the Verviers Synclinorium in the Vesdre valley (Marteau Formation) (Bultynck and Dejonghe, 2001).
Natural color
Characterized by garish hues, red colors dominate whereas the grey variants (grey and light grey) are less represented.
Aged color
Composed of millimetrical- to pluricentrimetrical-sized well-rounded clasts (granules and pebbles) in a dark-red (called “lie de vin”) terrigenous matrix made of quartz, lithic fragments and clay minerals. The clasts consist of grey, green and reddish sandstone and quartzite pebbles (generally varying between 4 mm and 60 mm), white pebbles derived from vein quartz, and dark green and black small pebbles composed of tourmalinite (rock that mostly consist of minute crystals of tourmaline and quartz). Tourmalinite granules and pebbles are very characteristic of this material (see example central in the photograph).
poorly sorted, rounded quartz grains and clasts, millimetrical- to pluricentrimetrical-sized clasts (=> granules and pebbles)
bedding visible: coarser and finer grained lenses/laminations
Diagnostic features
Dark green/black tourmalinite granules and pebbles are very characteristic of this material (see example of a large tourmalinite central in the photograph)
Additional information
Sample type
Artefact information
Undetermined fragment of a Roman quern. It has been studied in the framework of a PhD research project (Reniere 2018; see object code 002-004, rock group RDC_A1)
Inventory number
Archaeological Department, Ghent University
Donating institute/person
Archeodepot, Archeocentrum Velzeke; former Kale-Lei Archeologische dienst
Host collection
Archeodepot, Archeocentrum Velzeke
Other samples available
Sample collection method
Archaeological Excavation

Bultynck & Dejonghe 2001

Full reference

Bultynck P. & Dejonghe L. 2001. Devonian lithostratigraphic units (Belgium). Geologica Belgica 4, 1-2: 39-69.


Picavet 2019

Full reference

Picavet P. 2019. Les meules rotatives de la fin de l'Âge du Fer au haut Moyen Âge entre la Seine et le Rhin. Thèse présentée pour l'obtention du titre de Docteur en Histoire, Civilisation et Archéologie, Université de Lille,  Lille.

Reniere 2018

Full reference

Reniere S. 2018. Sourcing the stone in Roman Northern Gaul : on the provenance, use, and socio-economics of stone tools in a stoneless landscape : the case of the northern civitas Menapiorum. Proefschrift voorgelegd tot het behalen van de graad van Doctor in de Archeologie, Ghent University. Ghent.


Taelman & Polfliet 2009

Full reference

Taelman E. & Polfliet B. 2009. Evergem-Belzeelse Kerkweg/Ralingen. 13 juli 2009 tot 10 november 2009. KLAD-Rapport, 17.

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Last modified: 2024-04-29.