Post Medieval - Tin glazed (majolica & faience) (7.TG.BE.0017)

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Tin glazed (majolica & faience) (Post Medieval)
Fabric name
Post Medieval > Modern > 1556-1561/1562
Dating method(-s)
historical sources, typology, iconography
Potters' mark
Additional information
biscuit waster (wall fragment); referred to as "rough fired ware"

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Site type
Pottery production
Belgium; Antwerpen; Antwerpen
Site name
Antwerpen, Steenhouwersvest
Excavation or Survey Team
Afdeling Opgravingen, Stad Antwerpen
Additional contextual information
site code: A117; context information: A117/7/x56; excavation 1993 (kiln + production waste); attributed to the workshop/pottery company of Lucas Andries (atelier De Goudbloem)
Surface color
Surface texture
Fracture color
pink with beige/weith layers
Inclusions (non-plastics/tempering)
quartz; iron oxides (?); amorphous and oval red and beige inclusions (clay pellets ? grog ?); rare black inclusions (?)
Matrix and voids
vughs and vesicles; badly mixed clay (layers of white/beige clay within pink matrix)
Diagnostic features
Additional information
sample ANTW_SV_ST1a
Flepostore inventory nr.
Original inventory nr.
Archaeological Department, Ghent University
Covered thin section
Comparable thin section(s)
Oxidised light orange fabric; dark brown (PPL), dark brown (XP).
Homogenous matrix, non-calcerous with no optical activity: matrix near sintering/vitrification due to overfiring.
- ca. 75-85%
Quartz (++; mono++, poly--), sedimentary rock detritus (-; quartz arenite), chert/flint (-; ff), metamorphic rock detritus (-, low grade), feldspars (-; plagioclase, orthoclase), muscovite mica (-; el), glauconite (--; uncertain, red body color); O/Fe (+), clay pellets (+-; iron-rich).
The coarse fraction consists of medium to coarse sand, the fine fraction consists of very fine to fine sand, possibly bimodal (natural). Grains are generally subrounded to subangular/angular. Overall the fabric is poorly sorted and poorly orientated, single to open spaced.
- ca. 10-20%
Some larger vughs, poorly aligned, some infill.
- ca. 5%
Diagnostic features
The fabric is characterized by a homogenous oxidised matrix with no optical activity (overfired: partly vitrified) and low porosity. Dominant quartz inclusions with frequent opaques/iron oxides, common iron-rich clay pellets, few sedimentary and metamorphic rock detritus, chert/flint, feldspars, muscovite mica, and rare possible glauconite. Overall poorly sorted fabric.
Additional information
Mineralogical information lost from misfiring.
*Matrix is overfired near sintering/vitrification, yet some possible glauconite grains have retained a red body color. Possible indication of overfiring due to a too long duration of firing rather than too high temperature?
**Iron-rich clay pellets appear brown to black also possible related to misfiring conditions.
Sample type
Inventory number
Archaeological Department, Ghent University
Donating institute/person
Onroerenderfgoeddepot, Stad Antwerpen
Host collection
Onroerenderfgoeddepot, Stad Antwerpen
Other samples available
Sample collection method
Archaeological Excavation

Dumortier & Veeckman 1994

Full reference

Dumortier C. & Veeckman J. 1994. Un four de majoliques en activité à Anvers vers 1560. Bulletin van de Koninkljke Musea voor Kunst en Geschiedenis. Jubelpark Brussel 65: 163-217.

Veeckman 1994

Full reference

Veeckman J. 1994. Een majolica-oven aan de Steenhouwersstraat te Antwerpen (Antw.). Archaeologia Mediaevalis 17: 5-7.


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Last modified: 2024-04-27.