Medieval - Handmade (6.HM.BE.0005)

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Handmade (Medieval)
Fabric name
Medieval > High Medieval > second half of the 10th - first half of the 11th century CE
Dating method(-s)
morphological characteristics, radiocarbon dating
Potters' mark
Additional information
Handmade finished on a slow wheel, production almost exclusively dominated by globular pots (to a lesser extent: spouted pots and frying pans). Based on the morphological characteristics of the pottery, the production of the small kiln at Merelbeke can be dated to the second half of the 10th and the first half of the 11th century. Radiocarbon analysis of charcoal from the kiln itself do not contradict this, although the results are ambiguous (De Groote et al. 2007).

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Site type
Pottery production
Belgium; Oost-Vlaanderen; Merelbeke
Site name
Merelbeke, Caritas
Excavation or Survey Team
Wim De Clercq, Johan Deschieter and Guy De Mulder; Dienst Monumentenzorg & Cultuurpatrimonium (provincie Oost-Vlaanderen) &
Provinciaal Archeologisch Museum, site Velzeke
Additional contextual information
Wasters found in the kiln itself (S303).
Slip color
Glaze type
Glaze color
Glaze additives
Additional information
Slip color
Glaze type
Glaze color
Glaze additives
Additional information
Surface color
Surface texture
Fracture color
grey-brown-grey core-brown-grey
Inclusions (non-plastics/tempering)
quartz tempering (0,2-03 mm), clay pellets (1-2 mm, max. 5mm), grog fragment ?
Matrix and voids
Diagnostic features
Additional information
sample MER-CAR ST3
Flepostore inventory nr.
Original inventory nr.
Archaeological Department, Ghent University
Covered thin section
Comparable thin section(s)
Reduced and oxidized fabric with dark brown core and light brown edge; brown (PPL), dark brown (XP).
Semi-heterogeneous matrix, non-calcareous with low to medium optical activity.
- ca. 50-65%
Quartz (++; cf: mono, poly, r-sr, medium - coarse sand; ff: mono, eq & el, sr-sa, very fine to fine sand; bimodal), sedimentary rock detritus (+-; possible quartz arenite, slightly metamorf?), chert/flint (+-; weathered, alteration), muscovite mica (+-; cf: eq & el; ff: el), feldspars (-; plagioclase: r, cf, weathering, alteration), O/Fe (+), semi-plastics/clay pellets (+; various iron-content, granulometry and boundaries, some close to grog).
The coarse fraction varies from coarse to medium sand, the fine fraction from fine to very fine sand. Coarse fraction grains are generally rounded to subrounded, fine fraction grains are generally subrounded to subangular. Bimodal, unclear if natural or added temper. Overall the fabric is very poorly sorted, poorly orientated and single to double spaced.
- ca. 20-30%
Planar voids, chanal and vughs with poor alignment, some infill (soil?). Drying cracks in and around semi-plastics/clay pellets.
- ca. 15-20%
Diagnostic features
The fabric is characterized by a semi-heterogeneous reduced/oxidized matrix with low to medium optical activity and moderately high porosity. Dominant quartz inclusions with frequent opaques/iron oxides and semi-plastics/clay pellets, common sedimentary rock detritus, chert/flint, muscovite mica, and few feldspars. Bimodality possibly from sandy clay or sandy fraction added to the clay. Overall very poorly sorted fabric consisting of coarse inclusions in a fine matrix.
Additional information
Same fabric as A0015 and A0017, but different firing.
Sample type
Inventory number
Archaeological Department, Ghent University
Donating institute/person
Archeodepot, Archeocentrum Velzeke
Host collection
Archeodepot, Archeocentrum Velzeke
Other samples available
Sample collection method
Archaeological Excavation

De Groote et al. 2007

Full reference

De Groote K., De Clercq W., Deforce K. & Moens J. 2007. Het aardewerk uit een 10de-/ vroeg 11 de-eeuwse pottenbakkersoven te Merelbeke (Oost-Vlaanderen, Belgiƫ). Corpus Middeleeuws Aardewerk (CMA), 18, 's Hertogenbosch.

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Last modified: 2024-04-27.